Where has the time gone? It's been a very, very, very long time since I'm even thought about this blog. So much has changed in my life since my last post. I'm now the mommy of an opinionated, mostly independent 30 month old. Not a toddler since he only goes at warp speed (and hasn't toddled in forever!) but not yet a preschooler although I know that is coming up quickly.
I don't bake much anymore so I don't even know what direction this poor neglected little blog will go in next. Maybe it will become a hodge podge of randomness. Something to help me keep what's left of my sanity after the crazy couple of years I've had. After all, since my days consist of "Don't jump off of that table!" and "No, golf clubs don't belong in the house," am I still considered sane?
Regardless of all of these changes - births, deaths, moves, jobs - one thing has never changed. I still crave sugar.
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