A couple of weeks ago a huge brownie appeared on my desk. It was no ordinary brownie. It was Nabisco's new Oreo Brownie which is HUGE. 340 calories worth of huge. Needless to say, it is still sitting on my desk. I don't want to eat it but I don't want to give it away either. I'm just keeping it there you know, just in case. Fast forward to this weekend and I find myself searching for recipes that will travel well to my recently deployed brother. (If you're searching for recipes too, click here.)
Let me tell you, those Oreo Crunch Brownies jumped out and grabbed my attention! But then I started to think about peanut butter brownies and boy do I love those too. So what the heck, why not jumble it all together and make some Peanut Butter Oreo Brownies?
The result was dangerous. It made a 9x13 pan of fudgy, chocolately, peanut butter swirled, Oreo cookie yumminess that I wanted hide in the closet and eat by myself. But don't worry. Some went in the box and rest got banished from my home and is on it's way to a friend's house where it will be demolished shortly.
If you need to feed a craving yourself, make your favorite peanut butter brownie recipe and toss in about 20-25 quartered Oreos. You could cut them smaller if you'd like but I found that anything smaller than that and the cut cookie would flatten and the filling would ooze out of the sides.
Oh, and as for calories in my brownies? I'm going to go with 0 since they were made with love.
Homemade Irish Cream
1 day ago
Those sound like heaven. If you ever need a tastetester and someone who can let you know if they will make the far journey, I'm always free.