In case you've been wondering what's been keeping me away, take a peek into my freezer.

If you're wondering what's hiding in there I can put you out of your misery right now. Those containers hold 498 wedding cake shaped cookies. Frozen dough, not baked or par-baked cookies (I prefer to bake my sugar cookies frozen.) The containers represent what I have been focused on for the past 3 weeks. Remember the easy
plan that I had? To cover the cookies in MMF with Fondarific accents? The ones that would have taken me 5 minutes per cookies? Yeah, these aren't them. These are the result of my insane thinking process that took me from easy to disaster. The end result?

3" cookies flooded with Antonia74's royal icing, then painted with gel color. FYI, these are more like hours. Not minutes to complete. We ended up losing a few...maybe about 30 give or take a few, but my boss lucked out since he got to eat them. There was a bit of a disaster with a good portion of them smudging their color onto the bags once the were sealed. I saved what I could, tossed a few more, and am chalking it up to a learning experience. As in, do not paint cookies ever again! LOL

Now cross your fingers that they survive the plane ride tomorrow because the wedding is on Saturday and I am not packing any supplies to remake these cookies should something happen. Foolish? Yes, probably so but what can you do? Besides cross your fingers, of course!
Oh, and someone check on that pilot okay? Tell him no partying tonight because he's transporting important stuff in the morning!